The Hungarian Twin Registry - Magyar Ikerregiszter                                                                                                             ENGLISH  MAGYAR 


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List of publications in 2012


List of publications in 2011 

Az artériás stiffness - mérés jelentősége a megelőzésben: ikervizsgálatok eredményei (Hippocrates, 2011.II.)

Psychosexual Study of Communist Era Hungarian Twins
(Twin Research and Human Genetics, Vol.14, No.2, pp.144-149, 2011) Journal Impact Factor: 1.994

Twins Lead to Prevention of Atherosclerosis: Preliminary Findings of International Twin Study 2009
(Journal for Vascular Ultrasound, 35(2):61–71, 2011)

Effects of genetic versus environmental factors on cardiovascular autonomic function: a twin study.
Osztovits J, Horvath T, Littvay L, Steinbach R, Jermendy A, Tarnoki AD, Tarnoki DL, Metneki J, Kollai M, Jermendy G.
Diabetic Medicine. Journal Impact Factor: 2.871

Littvay, L., Gy. Jermendy, R. Steinbach, Á. Jermendy, A. D. Tarnoki, D. L. Tarnoki, J. Metneki, and J. Osztovits. Heritability of the risk factors characteristic for the metabolic syndrome: a twin study. Orvosi Hetilap 152, no. 32 (2011): 1265-1271.

Littvay, L., Gy. Jermendy, R. Steinbach, Á. Jermendy, A. D. Tarnoki, D. L. Tarnoki, J. Metneki, J. Osztovits, and Gy. Jermendy. "Effects of genetic versus environmental factors on cardiovascular autonomic function: a twin study." Diabetic Medicine 28, no. 10 (2011): 1241-8.

Littvay, L., Gy. Jermendy, T. Horváth, R. Steinbach, Á. Jermendy, A. D. Tarnoki, D. L. Tarnoki, J. Metneki, and J. Osztovits. "Effect of genetic and environmental influences on cardiometabolic risk factors: a twin study." Cardiovascular Diabetology 10, no. 96 (2011). 


  • TRGH

    Twin Research

    Twin Research and Human Genetics, published by Australian Academic Press, is the official journal of ISTS. It communicates the results of original research on multiple birth research and all aspects of twin studies. The impact factor is currently 2.097.

  • ISTS

    International Society for Twin Studies 

    The International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS) is an international, nonpolitical, nonprofit, multidisciplinary scientific organization. Its purpose is to further research and public education in all fields related to twins and twin studies, for the mutual benefit of twins and their families and of scientific research in general. The Society was founded in Rome in 1974. (more)

  • Twins

    International congress on Twin Studies

    The Society organizes a triennial (biennial from 2010) International Congress on Twin Studies. The 14th Congress of the International Society for Twin Studies will be held April 1st-4th, 2012, in Florence, Italy. The 15th International Congress on Twin Studies will be held in 2014. Details will follow. (more)

  • ISS.IT

    Italian Twin Registry 

    Partner of the Hungarian Twin Registry, they helped us a lot in our International Twin Study Project.  (more)


The list of received awards related to the work of the HTR:
  • 1. 1st prize, Conference of Student Scientific Association, 1st prize, Semmelweis University, Budapest, 2007
    2. Special award, Medal of South-Pest Hospital, Forum of Young Scientists, South-Pest Hospital, Budapest, Hungary (June 2009)
    3. 7th best lecture award, Bridges in Life Sciences US – CEE 5th Regional Networking Meeting, RECOOP HST Consortium. Lvov, Ukraine, April 2010
    4. Best lecture award (1st prize), 6th International Symposium on Arterial Stiffness. 15-17 April, 2010, Pécs, Hungary
    5. Alex Chao MD Young Investigator Award, Society for Vascular Ultrasound conference 2010, Boston, MA, USA
    6. European Atherosclerosis Society, Travel grant, 2010, Hamburg, Germany
    7. Annual Inflammatory Airway Diseases and Clinical Allergy Grant, European Respiratory Society, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
    8. Outstanding Accomplishments in the name of the HMAA, Hungarian Medical Association of America, 2010, Balatonfured, Hungary
    9. 4th place of the CSMC – RECOOP HST Consortium Young Scientists Competition in Bratislava, during the the Bridges in Life Science 6th Annual Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 2011
    10. Best lecture award (among best 3 lectures in the oral presentation session; appreciate and award), PhD Scientific Days, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, April 2011
    11. Accomodation Grant, Annual scientific meeting of European Society of Hypertension (ESH). June 2011, Milan, Italy
    12. “Alberto Ferrari” Poster Prize, European Society of Hypertension (ESH), June 2011
    13. „Brigitte Laloux” Bursary award, Artery Society, October 2011 (David Tarnoki)
    14. Markusovszky Award for the best articles published in Orvosi Hetilap (Hungarian Medical Journal) in 2011 (Jermendy G, Littvay L, Steinbach R, Jermendy A, Tárnoki A, Tárnoki D, Métneki J, Osztovits J.Heritability of the risk factors for the metabolic syndrome: a twin study. Orv Hetil. 2011 Aug 7;152(32):1265-71.), May 2012
    15. Special award for best lectures at FiRaFó (Forum of Young Radiologists) session at 26th Congress of Hungarian Society of Radiologists. Debrecen, Hungary, June 2012: for Tárnoki DL, Tárnoki ÁD, et al. Heritability of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a Hungarian twin cohort
    16. Special award for best lectures at FiRaFó (Forum of Young Radiologists) session at 26th Congress of Hungarian Society of Radiologists. Debrecen, Hungary, June 2012: for Tárnoki ÁD, Tárnoki DL, et al. Genetic background of carotid plaques in twins

  • Thank you for the contribution of the Hungarian twins in these projects.